

Friday, May 17, 2013

Still Life Drawing

In my last post I talked about my students practicing their drawing skills with Tootsie Rolls.  As a follow up and more challenging experience, I asked them to create Still Life Drawings.  We looked at some examples and recapped what we learned with the Tootsie Rolls and got right down to business!

I set up five different Still Lifes with a variety of themes.  I let the kids pick which Still Life interested them the most and we began drawing.  We focused on sketching what we see, adding value and finishing with blending and erasing for highlights.  I reminded them that they all had different view points on the still life so no two drawings would look the same and depending on how large they drew each object, they might only see (and draw) part of the still life.  My only request was that they included at least 4 major elements of the still life...and that they try their best!  We spent 3 class periods on this in total and I think they came out very nicely!  The kids worked hard and I consider this to be the hardest task I gave them this year and it shows that they were up for it!

Theme Option 1: Sports

Above is a Black and White Photo of the Original Still Life with Student Drawings Below

Theme Option 2: Board Game

Above is a Black and White Photo of the Original Still Life with Student Drawings Below
Theme Option 3: Girl Accessories

Above is a Black and White Photo of the Original Still Life with Student Drawings Below


 Theme Option 4: Art Supplies

Above is a Black and White Photo of the Original Still Life with Student Drawings Below


Theme Option 5: Storybook/Fairytale

 Above is a Black and White Photo of the Original Still Life with Student Drawings Below


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