

Friday, December 13, 2013

May the Force Be With You

Star Wars Art

While neither of these things in this post are assignments, they were worthy of sharing.  My cousin had posted a link to some Star Wars themed snowflake templates (it is a cached copy for some reason) and I couldn't help but print a few out in case my 6th graders finished their assignment early and were as nerdy as I am.  So I gave them the options of Yoda, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Chewbacca and a Storm Trooper (Storm Trooper not all pictured below).  They were tricky templates but I was impressed with how well the kids did with them.

Star Wars Snowflakes

One of my fourth graders finished early and also took this as an opportunity to make some Star Wars art from paper.  He made his own origami Star Wars characters!  I couldn't believe how well and how quickly he whipped these things up!  So fun!

Star Wars Origami

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