

Friday, January 31, 2014

Pop Art Portraits

6th Grade Pop Art Portraits Inspired by Warhol and Lichtenstein

A lot of times, I find myself teaching and/or creating new lessons every year.  But I also have a few favorites that I can't stand skipping; this is one of those lessons.  Last year I posted about my lesson on Andy Warhol Pop Art , which is always one of my favorite lessons to teach...mainly because of all of the "ooh"s and "ahh"s I get from the students as they learn about how you can transfer a printed photograph onto a painting.  This year, I switched it up, just a bit.  I not only introduced my students to the work/stylings of Andy Warhol, but I also introduced them to Roy Lichtenstein.  We compared and contrasted their work which led us into our lesson.  I followed a similar procedure as I had in my lesson (step by step instructions here) from last year but I also gave them the option of adding some comic book flare with Ben-Day dots (we used printmaking with bubble wrap for ours) and/or text boxes/word bubbles.  It was fun to see the kids play around with their colors and layers while letting them choose their own style and inject their personalities into the paintings...and of course all of the "ooh"s and "ahh"s with photo transfer (this year I just used Modge Podge instead of heavy gel medium--it is MUCH cheaper and works just as well).  And I am just as impressed (if not more) with the results!  Enjoy!
6th Grade Pop Art Portrait Inspired by Warhol

6th Grade Pop Art Portrait Inspired by Roy Lichtenstein

6th Grade Pop Art Portrait Inspired by Andy Warhol

6th Grade Pop Art Portraits Inspired by Warhol and Lichtenstein

6th Grade Pop Art Portrait Inspired by Andy Warhol

6th Grade Pop Art Portraits Inspired by Warhol and Lichtenstein

6th Grade Pop Art Portrait Inspired by Warhol and Lichtenstein

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